maharashtra surgery cataract cataract surgery pdf
maharashtra surgery cataract cataract surgery pdf
This document has been
written in response to emerging evidence of wide geographical variation in
access to cataract surgery in England.1-3One recent report found that half of
restricted access to cataract surgery by the application of clinical thresholds
and one in three made no allowance for second eye surgery.1Overall 9 in every 1cataract
surgery commissioning policies contained criteria that followed “neither
national guidance nor
Scientific evidence.”
Additionally, there is almost a threefold variation in the number of people
having cataract surgery across England,
withrates ranging from 285 to 804 per
100,000 population,4 which
cannot be fully explained by variations in known risk factors for the
development of cataract. Although there are as yet no National Institute for
Health and Care
Excellence (NICE) recommendations for cataract surgery The Royal College of
Ophthalmologists has published guidelines on the management of cataract 5
, which include recommendations on the standards
that Commissioners should expect from anyprovider of cataract surgery. This document
aims to provide evidence-based guidance to support the commissioning of high quality cataract
services and to promote equity of access to the treatment
of visual impairment caused by
محول الأكوادإخفاء محول الأكواد الإبتساماتإخفاء الإبتسامات